Services - Fuskel

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We can offer a wide range of products and services according customers demands due to the fact that some of our representatives used to work in fist line ship-owners in Argentina and has full knowledge of what a customer needs

This is a very important point into consideration and we always try to detect problems before it happens and to offer very prompt replies and solution to customers necessities

We also offer constant and updated information about vessel's ETA and barge readiness in each supply to keep customers duly informed about their bunker stems

We can offer the following products:

- IFO 180 CST / RME 180

- IFO 380 CST / RMG 380



We guarantee ISO 8217:2005 in all our supplies.

We can supply by barge or trucks. We have a fleet of 7 trucks which can offer a timely deliver at all ports where deliveries by truck are allowed by port authorities.

Our services are 24/7 according to normal practice in the maritime business.

Luis Bonavita 1294 – 219 – CP 11300 – Zona Franca - WTC
Montevideo – Uruguay – Tel. (+598) 2626 2475
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